
The planning permit was approved on 16th of August 2013 and settlement took place
on 4th of September 2013.
The VMAA executive approved some funding on 10th of October and Road work
started on 16th of October 2013.
Certificate of Occupancy was issued 12 February 2015.
Official Opening 8 March 2015



 Despite today being Monday there was a very good attendance at the working bee to continue the fencing.
There were about 12 or 13 blokes, hard working every one.
All the posts had already been installed and now almost all the wire strands are in.
 Some of the guys have the necessary tools and expertise to erect fences and the others are willing workers picking up new skills.
 The difference is amazing compared to just over a week ago when the posts were put in.

At the current rate of progress the fences will be all finished in no time.