
The planning permit was approved on 16th of August 2013 and settlement took place
on 4th of September 2013.
The VMAA executive approved some funding on 10th of October and Road work
started on 16th of October 2013.
Certificate of Occupancy was issued 12 February 2015.
Official Opening 8 March 2015


In the sun Saturday

 Sunny solstice shining on the shed which has been locked up since Tuesday.
 Interior walls up.
 Graeme B helps Brett make a mess.

So that's what a water bore looks like!
Nowhere near as exciting as I thought it would be.
 Aint technology grand?
Brains trust working it out.

 Will be a dam good fence.
A great days work by a great team.



 Rain has stopped and no wind, so at the field for work we discover that the Water Boring guys had been hard at work Wednesday and had completed boring, so it was only pack up day for them.
 Who would have thought that so many controls were required to drive a drilling rig.
 Ken and Dave F on the job taping roof insulation together.
Graeme B and Dave C know what they're about.
Ron B, Brian and Graeme M are doing complicated stuff.
Tom and Dave supply the sheets of roofing.
Roof nearly there!

When I had to depart, roof was just about complete.

Saturday will see more work done.



THURSDAY 5th  shed assembly started.

 Pictures are fairly self explanatory.

SATURDAY 7th and back at it.
Eighteen blokes turned up and as quoted often in the classics,"Many hands make light work!"

Weather forecast was not good, strong wind was predicted, fortunately, the arrival time of wind was incorrect and construction proceeded apace.

 FORTUNATELY, there were a few bods present who interpreted the plans, (or pretended to), but everything seems to fit just fine anyway.

Rain stopped play at 1400Hrs.

A pretty good result for a days work.