
The planning permit was approved on 16th of August 2013 and settlement took place
on 4th of September 2013.
The VMAA executive approved some funding on 10th of October and Road work
started on 16th of October 2013.
Certificate of Occupancy was issued 12 February 2015.
Official Opening 8 March 2015



What do you get if you combine....

Ben Biggs.

A Multiplex Fun Cub.

A roll of duct tape.

A Camera.

Some beaut aerial photographs of VMAA State Field Eastern.

Thank you Ben!

Flying-Day One.

Packed car parking for Day One.

23 Members attended Flying-Day One.


Moving In.

Today was moving in day.

I have been away and caught up with progress.

Loads of gravel have arrived ready to be distributed .

 The end of the walkway has been closed to reduce wind tunnel effect.
 Toilets are plumbed and working.

Swallows-in-residence are very comfortable.

Water pressure pump system and hot water a goer.

The back half of a tractor the same as ours was donated and appropriate bits swapped, to make our hydraulics work as intended.

 Charging station gets the extra bank of cells, we will have 90 Amp capability when installed.

New signage is leaning in the shed waiting for some posts.
 The nice people at Coates Hire sold us a container for some extra storage.
Lorraine and Sandra came along and sorted the kitchenware, thank you very much ladies.

 Filling in a low spot on the runway.
Brett is not only a professional sparky, he is a dab hand at plumbing things.

A rather nice piece of work above ..........
 and below the clubhouse.
External help required while under floor work  happening.