
The planning permit was approved on 16th of August 2013 and settlement took place
on 4th of September 2013.
The VMAA executive approved some funding on 10th of October and Road work
started on 16th of October 2013.
Certificate of Occupancy was issued 12 February 2015.
Official Opening 8 March 2015


Monday Tuesday

 Ready to pounce, like a coiled stainless steel spring.
This formidable 'machine' sits at the Eastern end of the runway.
 FIRST, flooding caused by the farmers bore water, overflowing for days from the cattle trough, (arrowed) due to a bugg broken float valve needed to be fixed.
 That's kinda sorted.

Now to tackle the runway.

 The 'machine' chews the dirt and rearranges it, according to instructions from an offsider with a big stick.
 David C with a stick, works hard making sure everything's just right.
 The 'machine' business end.
Graeme and Graeme watch closely.

 Tuesday, the fierce 'machine' met its match and gave up whilst its keeper went to get spare parts to finish off.

Brian was busy creating a spoon drain around the perimeter while all this was happening.

 What a beautiful result and it isn't quite finished in these pictures.

You have to see this in person to appreciate the true fabulousness of the 'machine' abilities, the pictures cannot convey the sheer excellence of it all.

The "North/South" strip recieved a makeover too.

Wednesday was scheduled for seeding after 'machine' is repaired.